
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

when i was born on 11 FEBRUARY........

Aquarians born on February 11 are unique people that understands the powerful forces that can be commanded with discipline and training. They have a single-mindedness that allows them to sacrifice to bring a goal to fruition. Despite their seriousness, they have a sunny side. They're able to balance all the elements in their lives without losing focus or emotional centeredness.
Aquarius Information 
for February 11
You should embrace:Sensitivity, concern for others, emotional high

You should avoid:Perfectionism, excessive temperament, exhaustion
Friends and Lovers 

February 11 natives seem to feel that no one can have too many friends. They may have a colorful love life, even if it plays second fiddle to their professional goals during their twenties and thirties. Despite their reputation for enjoying the good life, they have a domestic side. 

Children and Family

February 11 individuals grow up early. They have tremendous emotional resonance and often show a marked precocity in their childhood. They often put off starting a family until later in life because of career commitments. When they become parents, they're more than equal to the task. 


Sleep is an emotional necessity for February 11 men and women. They depend upon their nightly dream activity for creative impetus. Meditation and prayer also help to facilitate their dream life. The physical health of people born on this day also responds very well to this regimen. 

Career and Finances 

Men and women born on February 11 are highly competitive by nature. They're determined to make it to the top of their profession and will go to great lengths and endure hardship to achieve their aims. They are adept at making money and even better at handling it. 

Dreams and Goals 

February 11 people are among the most goal-oriented of the yearly cycle. They often begin to prepare for their chosen career while children. During the intervening years, they learn lessons about sacrifice and focus. Once they achieve career goals, they are likely to set greater goals. They are all about commitment and find it hard to walk away from a challenge.


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